What does it take to obtain clear, healthy, glowing skin?

Hello, my name is Jenna Kent AKA Epidermal Enthusiast, owner of Integrative Aesthetics in Las Vegas.  I am a licensed Aesthetician with 10 years of experience and also hold an Aesthetician Instructors License and a certificate in holistic health coaching.

For those of you that know me or have spoken to me at all about skin care, you are aware that my position in treating skin conditions is integrative.  Though I possess the most effective professional skin care products and equipment, it is no secret the magic I work in the treatment room is not the only required facet to truly making noticeable change within the skin.

True skin care comes from within, not only from what foods & beverages you consume but also your mental & emotional wellness and fitness certainly play a role as well. When you schedule a service with me, you are not just scheduling a 60 minute facial where I will apply and remove products to protocol.  Before and during your treatment, we will be discussing areas that are in need of improvement working from the inside out.  You will hear me inquire about your digestion, water intake, supplements & medications, medical history, lifestyle habits and even your work environment.  

If there is an area of imbalance within your body, your skin is sure to show it!  As my client, I commit to you that I will be your skin & wellness coach in addition to your highly qualified licensed aesthetic professional. 

Your experience is certain to be unique in comparison to what you may be used to, and I promise to perform your treatment in a very relaxing, compassionate and nonjudgmental environment.  Results are most definitely the goal and I will be sure to deliver your healthiest skin ever and hold you accountable to the necessary changes that must be made on your end to assure that they are long lasting.

I am truly passionate about what I do and feel so blessed to be able to help so many people through skin transformation.  Thank you for trusting me with your skin!  I look forward to meeting you!

Although I will design a treatment program specifically for you (skin care and wellness is anything but cookie cutter!) here are a few general tips that you can start immediately to boost your skin health:

  • Drink adequate amounts of water!  I know, I know...this is so outplayed.  Well, why do you think? It is important!!! Your skin (integumentary system) is the largest organ of your body in which water plays a crucial role in cellular activity (including collagen production babyy!), elimination and cellular cohesion.
  • Add necessary supplements only when needed!  This is a tricky one because I talk a lot about adding in specific supplements that are beneficial for overall skin health but I am a huge advocate of EATING your nutrients as much as possible.  Your body will assimilate vitamins best when it comes from food source that is chewed, broken down in your digestive system and waste is excreted naturally.  However, there are certain things that might not be as easy to add into our diet such as: omega 3, zinc and probiotics which are all excellent skin food/supplements, especially if you struggle with inflammatory skin conditions such as: acne, rosacea, psoriasis or eczema.
  • Lifestyle changes: Change your pillowcase DAILY, keep your hands OFF your face, clean that dirty phone with alcohol wipes, and also keep it off of your face anyways and never, ever smoke!
  • As far as products go, if you had to only use one product I would ask you to use sun protection.  This is another dual sided topic.  (I like to play on both sides I suppose!) It has been proven that 5-10 minutes of unprotected (yes, an Aesthetician of 10 years is saying this) sun exposure is actually quite beneficial for optimal vitamin D absorption, which many people are deficient in these days!  Many people supplement vitamin D, which is definitely not a bad idea but your body was designed to get it from the sun and we just don't spend time in the sun like we used to.  I am adamant about the 5-10 minute limit though, more time than that spent in the sun truly requires sun protection and I would be happy to help you find the perfect formulation for your lifestyle & your skin's specific needs.
  • POOP! If you are not having healthy, daily bowel movements, this really needs to be addressed!  It is actually very easy for me to determine your digestive health simply by looking at your skin.  So don't be shy, if your not smooth moving, lets find a solution. All plights begin in the gut, so if you are having issues here they are the first thing that needs to be addressed.  
  • DO.NOT.PICK.  Need I say more? I will also know if you are a picker, and will be happy to educate you one on one about why that is so terrible and how you can get over the bad habit.
  • Ice your skin instead.  There are many ice rollers available online and I sell Soothie Q icing tools in my studio for only $12, but plain ice will do the trick as well! It is much messier but it does the job.  You may have heard before that inflammation is the precursor of many ailments and this absolutely applies to skin care.  When you ice your skin twice daily (5-10 min only), you are dramatically reducing inflammation & redness and your skin care that you apply afterwards will work more effectively! Side note here: pores do NOT open and close.  They are not a muscle.  This is a myth and has absolutely nothing to do with why I am a fan of facial icing.  Please ice your skin after cleansing and before applying your leave on products.
  • CALL ME :) Everyone needs a skin guru! Although I am not for the shy, please anticipate me asking you about your poo!